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Gamal (TGA)

Gamal was born in Sohag with Transposition of the Great Arteries (TGA). TGA is a serious heart defect that presents at birth (congenital), in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed (transposed). Gamal presented with severe shortage of oxygen in blood flowing from the heart to the rest of the body. Without corrective surgery within 2 to 4 weeks after birth the body can’t function properly, and Gamal faces serious complications or death. The family travelled to Magdi Yacoub Aswan Heart Centre (AHC) when Gamal was 10 days old and the operation was done urgently after stabilization of the baby at the hospital. Gamal is now back with his family in Sohag and doing well.

Baby Jameela 

Jameela is a precious first born to her family after ten years of marriage. A few weeks after birth her pediatrician knew something was very wrong and that she was in heart failure. Jameela was diagnosed with ALCAPA. In the normal heart, the Left Coronary Artery (LCA) originates from the aorta. It supplies oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle on the left side. In children with ALCAPA, the LCA originates from the pulmonary artery. When this defect occurs, the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen. The tissue begins to die due to lack of oxygen. This can cause a heart attack in the baby. The only center that performs this operation in Egypt is the Magdi Yacoub Aswan Heart Center (AHC). The family took the train from Menofia and was flown from Cairo on an emergency basis to Aswan. The diagnosis was confirmed, and she had an urgent operation. Jameela had a stormy stay in the intensive care unit but the team fought hard for her. After 10 days strong baby Jameela pulled through and a month later she was with her family back in Menofia. She is indeed a precious baby.

Nada (CAVC)

Nada was born in Alexandria with a Complete AV Canal (CAVC). CAVC is a serious heart defect that presents at birth (congenital). The heart valves are deformed and there are two large hearts defects. Nada presented with severe heart failure and severe difficulty in breathing. The family travelled to Magdi Yacoub Aswan Heart Centre AHC when Nada was 1 month of age and the operation was done urgently after stabilization of the baby at the hospital. Nada is now back with her family in Alexandria and doing well.

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